
Dendro number 0261

color: frost - cores: 5
color: frost - cores: 5
Dendro number:261
Dendro number in colour:68
Number of cores:5
Buyer wanted to add a core:no
Selected for physical artwork:no
Rarity of core count:63x - 7.05%
Rarity of colour:100x - 11.20%

Previous cores

[{"cp": [68, 69], "age": 16, "life": 18, "max_r": 6},
 {"cp": [43, 9], "age": 11, "life": 24, "max_r": 8},
 {"cp": [33, 37], "age": 9, "life": 23, "max_r": 6},
 {"cp": [15, 18], "age": 8, "life": 15, "max_r": 6},
 {"cp": [91, 57], "age": 3, "life": 25, "max_r": 5}]

Current cores

[{"cp": [68, 69], "age": 17, "life": 18, "max_r": 6},
 {"cp": [43, 9], "age": 12, "life": 24, "max_r": 8},
 {"cp": [33, 37], "age": 10, "life": 23, "max_r": 6},
 {"cp": [15, 18], "age": 9, "life": 15, "max_r": 6},
 {"cp": [91, 57], "age": 4, "life": 25, "max_r": 5}]